Delphine Diaw Diallo – Highness

Delphine Diaw Diallo - artThe Highness Project is a spectacular culmination of sculpture, design, and photography that takes “hair show” to a whole other level. It was brought to life by French-Senegalese photographer Delphine Diaw Diallo in collaboration with artists Tresse Agoche, Soull Ogun and Dynasty Presh. Mixing mediums of expression is a powerful way to describe the world she is trying to capture. Delphine juxtaposes reality with imaginary conscience, tradition with modernity, and fashion with documentary photographs. This project is “a vision of a new era which gives birth to an evolved future where the audience experiences the gift that is woman. In this, we create a capsule of work that becomes timeless and unbound, a vision for future observers to witness. Indefinite and inevitable, this future will exist…” The artist believes her art connects with spirits and hopes that spirits will help detach humans from the material world.

Delphine Diaw Diallo - hair Delphine Diaw Diallo - highness design Delphine Diaw Diallo - Highness Delphine Diaw Diallo - photography Delphine Diaw Diallo - portrait Delphine Diaw Diallo - profile Delphine Diaw Diallo - style Delphine Diaw Diallo - with

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