Anne Ten Donkelaar – Flower Constructions

Anne Ten Donkelaar creates three dimensional flower constructions using real flowers and paper. “A damaged butterfly, a broken twig, a bumblebee, some strangely grown weeds: I find all these unique discoveries in my path and then take them home to my studio. Here, I take my time to explore the objects and try to work […]

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Joey Camacho – Progress Before Perfection

Joey Camacho is a freelance graphic designer based in Vancouver, Canada. He has worked for reputable global brands as well as passionate local companies. Joey graduated from the Alberta College of Art & Design with a degree in Visual Communications. His recent 365 day project “Progress Before Perfection” was created using Cinema 4D. (via fubiz)

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Riusuke Fukahori – 3D Goldfish

Riusuke Fukahori is known as the “goldfish artist”. He creates three-dimensional goldfish by pouring resin layers and painting goldfish on each layer with acrylic paint. Everything began in 2000, when he became fascinated by his goldfish – which despite being abandoned for seven years was still alive. The artist calls this incident “Goldfish Salvation.” “The […]

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